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Eduardo Chibas

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Question 1: How many years did Fidel Castro spend in jail?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 8
D) 15

Question 2: While in exile, Martí spent most of his time in what country?
A) France
B) Mexico
C) The United States
D) Spain

Question 3: Which US President started the Bay of Pigs preparations?
A) Truman
B) Kennedy
C) Nixon
D) Eisenhower

Question 4: Mario García Menocal ran for which party?
A) The Conservative Party
B) The Democratic Party
C) The Communist Party
D) The Socialist Party

Question 5: Who started Cuba's drive for independence and declared war on Spain?
A) Fidel Castro
B) José Martí
C) Carlos Manuel de Céspedes
D) Theodore Roosevelt

Question 6: The Ortodoxos were headed by whom?
A) Eduardo Chibás
B) Fidel Castro
C) Alfredo Zayas
D) Carlos Prío

Question 7: Arsenio Martínez de Campos did what?
A) Made Cuba fully independent
B) Abolished slavery
C) Surrendered Cuba to the US
D) Executed Máximo Gómez

Question 8: The head of the Cuban army in the War of Independence was whom?
A) José Martí
B) Calixto García
C) Antonio Maceo
D) Máximo Gómez

Question 9: What did the Government of Ramón Grau do?
A) Ended press censorship
B) Released many political prisoners
C) Held Cuba's first elections
D) Added freedom of religion to the constitution

Question 10: Frank País led an attack on what?
A) The Presidential Palace
B) A court building
C) A police headquarters
D) The Congress building

Question 11: The Congress gave which President an extended term without reelection?
A) Alfredo Zayas
B) José Gómez
C) Gerardo Machado y Morales
D) Fulgencio Batista

Question 12: Che Guevara was born in which country?
A) Cuba
B) Mexico
C) The United States
D) Argentina

Question 13: Fulgencio Batista beat Ramón Grau for the presidency in what year?
A) 1940
B) 1936
C) 1944
D) 1952

Question 14: Why did Tomás Estrada Palma leave office?
A) He wasn't reelected
B) He resigned
C) He was overthrown by a revolution
D) The US Government decided to occupy Cuba again

Question 15: Theodore Roosevelt's Rough Riders took what location?
A) Havana
B) Santiago de Cuba
C) San Juan Hill
D) De la Punta Castle

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