An exciting announcement – Google Education Groups (GEGs) launched in South Africa. Join us!

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An exciting new venture was launched by Google in South Africa at the Summit – Google Education groups at this URL: This is a world-wide launch with each country having its own GEGs  We invite you to join GEG South Africa.  This announcement In South Africa at the Google in Education Summit  was received with great excitement.  Google believes that the best inspiration to educators are other educators. Google Educator Groups (GEGs) are communities of educators who learn, share, and inspire each other to meet the needs of their students through technology solutions, both in the classroom and beyond. GEGs provide a platform for educators to collaborate with one another, allowing them to pick up new creative ideas from one another, and to help each other best meet the needs of their students with Google solutions. GEG activities take place both online and offline. Online GEGs provide a space for educators to discuss together and learn about one another through Google+; offline, locally run events and workshops are a way to learn and share face to face. Anyone is very welcome to join GEG. You may be a principal, a school administrator, a professor, a student, or just someone interested in using Google products to help people learn. Each group is organized by a local volunteer (GEG leader) and is entirely independent from Google, the corporation.It is for this reason that Google has this vision for a community of passionate educators, who bring the benefits of technology to schools, classrooms, and communities across the world. Google Educator Groups (GEGs) are communities of educators who learn, share, and inspire each other to meet the needs of their students through technology solutions, both in the classroom and beyond.

Why should I join?
'Learn. Share. Inspire. Empower.' These four words represent the essence of GEGs. Educators will build relationships with other educators and gain the necessary skills to use open technology to deliver the best possible education to their students.

How do I start?
Generally you would search the GEG directory to find the GEG nearest you, follow the group on Google+ to get their latest news, and feel free to show up to the group’s next event. BUT we have a South African group that you can join!  (See the useful links below)

This is such an exciting venture, and we encourage you to get involved and be part of the move to ‘Learn Share Inspire Empower’ and form GEGs with teachers around you.


















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