Congratulations to the Matric Class of 2023

The Matric Class of 2023 deserves huge applause for persevering through the trials and tribulations associated with the last year of basic education. The NSC results were announced on 18 January, with much to appreciate and with considerations for much to improve. Once again the Free State province was crowned the top performing province, with KwaZulu Natal and Gauteng following close behind. Read the full technical report and breakdown of School Performance via the links below.  National Senior Cert...

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The 18th National Teachers’ Awards- Celebrating our torchbearers of light and hope…

The 18th annual National Teachers’ Awards was held on Saturday 17 February 2018 at the Sandton Convention Centre. SchoolNet SA is proud to be associated with the National Teaching Awards and in particular the Technology Enhanced Teaching and Learning category. Congratulations to the winners in this category: Ms Mariette Voster of Touwsranten Primary School in Western Cape who won first; Mr Nabeel Ismail of Zinniaville Secondary School in North West who placed second; and Mr Gerhardus Malan of ...

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National Senior Certificate Schools Report

The National Senior Certificate results were officially announced 4th January 2018. In a data-driven global environment, it becomes crucial for all of us involved in education to reflect on our practice, evaluate the good, the bad and the ugly and then think through a plan to address the challenges. Read the full  for an in depth analysis and see what you can do to change for the better. ...

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What made the difference? Great findings in the Learning Gains through Play project

The Learning Gains through Play (LGP) project focuses on the development of foundational literacies in Grades R and 1 through the innovative use of technology-enabled, learner-centred play in ten schools from the two provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape. The purpose of this article is to share the findings of the first evaluations of learner performance one year since the baseline findings and to relate these findings to the factors that could have influenced learning gains.  We consider...

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SchoolNet in top 3% of world SlideShare viewings 2013

One of the best free ways to upload presentations to the Internet is to use SlideShare. Recently SlideShare has been sending out impressive stats to its users and so we, at SchoolNet, were thrilled to see that in 2013 our SlideShare presentations were in the top 3% of SlideShare presentations viewed around the world.  Our SlideShare account consists mainly of presentations from our Conferences or our webinar programme. If you would like to look through our SlideShare collection please visit: http://ww...

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SA Blog Awards… please consider voting for us before December 12th

  The SA Blogs Awards is in progress with many different categories available for the various types of blogs. One of the categories is the Best Educational Blog and SchoolNet SA has been nominated in this category. We would love you to vote for us if you think our blog deserves it…please take a look around our blog at  You’ll see the red voting badge embedded on the right side of the blog.  Just click on it, add your email address and submit the verificati...

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Vodacom SA hosts Mobile workshop for National ICT Centre managers

After three years of a dream being realized the Vodacom Foundation gathered together forty Resource Centre managers for a workshop at the Protea hotel in Midrand. The first evening of the workshop was filled with laughter, dancing and LOUD DRUM BEATS by drum café.  Mr Mthobeli Tengimfene Executive Head CSI projects of the Vodacom Foundation welcomed all stake holders; present were the national Department of Education, Cisco and SchoolNet SA. To end the night delegates were lead to dinner at the hotel. D...

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Nokia launches free Maths service to Grades 10-12


Nokia and the Department of Science and Technology launched the Mobile Maths service to all South African high school Maths learners. Aligned to the CAPS curriculum, this service provides an excellent complimentary mobile learning opportunity for students in Grade 10-12.

Nokia South EaNokia Training- Eastern Capest Africa Vice President, Gerard Brandjes and the guest of honour Ms Jeannette Morwane, Department of Science and Technology Director for ICT and Services Industry provided the background into the long journey from 2009 up to this point where the service is being piloted in many other countries and open globally to anybody interested in using the service ( The solution adds value to current teaching and learning activities in both formal lessons and informal settings outside of school hours. See the Introduction video about experiences in South Africa.

The service has many advantages in the formal learning situation as the service has mathematics content for grades 10, 11 and 12 and includes thousands of exercises, theory, peer-to-peer support, ranking competitions, tests and self-assessment that people improve by using resources online like saps ibu bapa that improve the tests results in different subjects. The concept has led to highly motivated learners who are using the service on their mobiles, mainly out of school – in the evenings, weekends and holidays – testing themselves to continually improve their scores and competing with their friends. Teachers can harness the question bank and theory for in-class teaching, follow up, analysis and monitor how the learners are doing with their exercises and collaborate with learners by sending them reminders of homework, encouragement etc.

Nokia and the DST are thus supporting equal opportunity for learning and anyone interested in improving their mathematics skills can access the service and start learning. Nokia Mobile Mathematics is a resource rich service that gives instant feedback on whether you got the answer correct or not and you are able to track your scoring on each topic attempted. 

So how does it work…

Use of the Mobile Mathematics service is possible with any mobile phone with a data connection, or a computer with internet connection. The service is browser based, so nothing needs to be installed on the phone or computer to use it. The solution is free – the user faces only the data connection costs. Please note that for all MTN and Cell C data users, this service is zero-rated which means there is no data connection cost.

Login to the service .
Register for the service, select your Maths grade, choose a topic and start practising.

Nokia-MenuThere are different question types and these include multiple-choice; true of false; open-ended and step-by-step (to test understanding the steps of solving an exercise as opposed to learning by heart). The questions are randomised and start at level 1(easy) and progresses to more difficult questions. The correct answers earn learners points and they can compete against learners nationally.

Nokia, the Department of Science and Technology, MTN and Cell C bring great news with this free offering especially with learners revising the years’ work for the end of year exams. We wish everyone the best of luck and remember to pass on the word about the free service offered to Maths learners (


Learning Gains in Cofimvaba

‘Deep Rural’ is a term that is used carelessly these days but it is very appropriate when referring to the schools participating in the CSIR initiative in Cofimvaba. This photo taken from the veranda of a row of classrooms at Zamuxolo Junior Secondary School shows one of the three mud rondavels that are still used for teaching. Read the article Learning Gains in Cofimvaba ...

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