30 Days of Web Tools #29: Index…using Symbaloo

Submitted by Fiona Beal

Recently on this blog we posted a series called ‘30 days of webtools‘ with a daily post featuring a different webtool that can be used successfully in the classroom. I thought that an Index post would be fitting for this series for easier navigation to a desired tool; and instead of the usual type of index post I decided to use SymbalooEDU.  This is a very useful curation or bookmarking tool. 

So, if you would like to access the different webtools used in that series just click on the image below and you will be taken to the alphabetically arranged webmix which is hosted at SymbalooEDU. You will be able to click on each block and be taken to the original post. 

There is still quite a lot about Symbaloo that I don’t fully understand but in the next blog post I will outline how I went about using it for the webmix below. 

                 30 Days of Webtools index

Click on this image to be taken to the webmix

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