What is a Prezi?
Prezi is another presentation tool that is fascinating to use.You will find Prezi at http://prezi.com. It is a zooming digital presentation editor that holds the attention of students possibly more than would a PowerPoint. (Last week I attended a primary school ‘Technology Show’ at Micklefield Primary – totally amazing! One grade demonstrated the use of Prezi and their comment was that they think ALL the teachers should use Prezi!) With Prezi you can type text, embed pictures, and insert video in very creative ways! I doubt if anyone would fall asleep during a Prezi demonstration!. Because it’s web based, Prezi can be created and shown on any computer with web access. If there is no web access available during your presentation, a downloadable version can be obtained to show offline anywhere. No other software is needed, not even flash!
How does Prezi compare to PowerPoint?
Prezi differs from PowerPoint in that it is a web-based program that allows you to create more of a canvas presentation instead of a sequential slide presentation. You have to think non-linear! It allows you to incorporate text and pictures, videos and other presentation objects which is what PowerPoint does as well. You can create your presentation online and then download the final product so that you don’t require an internet connection to display the presentation.
Examples of prezis
This example is from Martin Burrett in England who presented his TeachMeet presentation on useful classroom tools using a Prezi.
Where does one start?
1. Get to know Prezi terminology
Copy of Techguru Project on Prezi
2. Let’s start by viewing a step by step tutorial on YouTube
3. If you find you learn best from videos there’s a lovely site called ‘Undertenminutes’ and he has two excellent videos on how he introduced Prezi at his school.
What else can you do with a Prezi?
You can download your completed as a PDF. Use the “Print” option in the middle of the editor screen to create handouts for your audience. In PreziDesktop, there is a “print” option in your window menu bar as well under “File”. When you click Print, your prezi will be converted to a PDF document, where every path step will be one document page. The exported PDF will also include an overview page of your whole prezi.
Classroom ideas
1. This Prezi puts forward a case for using Prezi. I like the way he adds YouTube videos in his Prezi.
The 21st Century Learner and Prezis. on Prezi
2. Make a group presentation on a project.
3. Prezi could be used as a getting to know you tool. Students could write their first name and tell us about themselves and their family. There are numerous charts (timelines, flow charts, etc.) that could be utilized in the content areas as well.”
4. Here is a Prezi giving some thoughts on using Prezi as a teaching tool.
5. This is a presentation in Google Docs showing 17 interesting ways of using Prezi in the classroom. Unfortunately this doesn’t give an embed code, but just click on the link to get to the original.
6. Other ways to use Prezi
a) Zoom into details of a picture
b) A way of embedding a number of relevant YouTube videos
c) You could build up a Prezi over the duration of a topic
d) Use a Prezi as a mind map
e) You could us a Prezi to learn vocabulary
f) You could use a Prezi to share information in a global class project
Optional task
Make a Prezi and share the link with me
Further Reading
1. http://www.emergingedtech.com/2012/01/teachers-recommendations-for-academic-uses-of-5-fun-free-presentation-tools/
2. http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2009/02/prezi.html#.UDlh9NbiZSg
3. Here are some prezis that one could re-use and just add one’s own information. http://prezi.com/learn/selection-great-reusable-prezis/
4. http://techcrunch.com/2009/04/20/prezi-is-the-coolest-online-presentation-tool-ive-ever-seen/
5. http://prezi.com/ystpnaz3oiom/copy-of-techguru-project/