Zamuthule Primary School is situated in Mpophomeni Township in the KZN Midlands. The school has a total number of 14 educators including the principal Mr P Ngema. A total number of 37 netbooks, one teacher laptop and a wireless internet connection were all sponsored by Mustek. Furthermore Mustek requested that SchoolNet SA conduct a Teacher Professional Development for all educators at the school.
More than 90% of the teachers had never used a computer before and therefore Intel Getting Started course was the most suitable one to kick start the Professional Development. The first training was held in the school computer laboratory in October 2013. The teachers were enthusiastic in all ten sessions conducted so far and arrived t least 15 minutes early to get started. It was obvious that ICT skills training was something they had longed for and it was like a dream come true.
Teachers at the school seemed to enjoy the workshop sessions so much that the principal commented that although he had attended workshops before this one was unique. He mentioned that it was interesting to observe that the course was not restricted only to computer skills but also to improving teaching methods including equipping learners with 21st Century skills. He mentioned that they are looking forward to the benefits immensely. The teachers themselves stated that the sessions conducted thus far had opened their eyes to the potential of using ICT in their classrooms, and that they are looking forward to further sessions.
The next training sessions will be continued next year in January 2014 to complete any outstanding modules. After conducting the Getting Started training, SchoolNet SA will continue to support and mentor these teachers to successfully integrate technology in the classroom.