Google Sites is a fantastic, free tool to use for students websites in a classroom. It fulfills the function of a blog, porfolio, wiki and website in one single tool. You can inserting images, videos, calendars, multimedia and even embed blogs and other Google Sites into your site. You can upload documents and PDFs as well. to the cloud storage capacity. Best is you don’t need to know any HTML to work this tool. When you introduce it to students they pick up how to use it in minutes! Another great feature is that the site can be kept private or shared with selected people instead of the whole world if so desired.
Wondering how to use Google Sites in your classroom? Here are just a few ideas:
What teachers can do with Google Sites
- Use it to store lessons and resources for your class
- Post homework.
- Use it for collaborative projects
- Use it as a technology resource site
- Use it to store workshop resources
- Use it as a subject site for the subject you teach
- Use it run a global project
- Use it for a resume
- and more…
What students can do with Google Sites
- It’s an excellent tool for a collaborative project
- Use it as an e-portfolio
- Use it to present their research driven projects
- and more…
How to create a Google Site
Here is a SlideShare showing how to create a Google Site.
How to create a Google Site by Fiona Beal from Schoolnet SA
Examples of Google Sites
Recycling to Live Green – (collaborative projects):
Alta Vista Room 12 Site (Classroom site)
Vernal Ponds Project (Student research site)
Thumann Resources (Workshop resources)
World History – Mr McDowell (subject site)
Global Postcard Exchange (run a global project)
Mary Fran’s Getting Started with Google Sites (Technology Resource Site)
Tiaan Lotter (Resume site)