Are your Grade 10-12 Maths students using Microsoft Math? It’s free and available on any device 24/7

Why not introduce your Grade 10-12 Maths students to Microsoft Math if they don’t know about it?  This is a great free site for Grade 10-12 Maths students to use after hours either in groups or individually to revise their Maths content and get help with any queries. Teachers can use Microsoft Math to motivate, monitor, and track learning and skill levels, giving more specific and individual feedback to students.


Advantages of Microsoft MathOne of the big advantages of this program is that learners can set up their own study groups with friends and see how they are doing or compete with each other! The program is accessible from a smart phone, a PC and a tablet.


What will you find on the site?

9000+ quizzes. Exercises are divided into levels of difficulty. When a studentt masters a set of quizzes you will move up on a level. There is 10 levels in each sub-topic. There is plenty of theory to help one along and examples to work through.

Can your students afford to be without this great maths companion as the end of the year looms? Try it today!

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