Are your students registered for the free Microsoft Math online revision program?


Microsoft Math is a free, online space where Grade 10-12 Mathematics students can improve their Maths in their own time. It has been adapted to our South African curriculum and can be accessed at. This is a space where our South African Mathematics learners can practice, learn. collaborate and compete with one another using their smart phones after school hours.  They can also use the program on a tablet or a laptop/desktop.

Watch this 3 minute YouTube video entitled ‘Maths is now my friend’. 

The blurb on the video says: “How do you transform mathematics from the most disliked subject in school to every student’s favorite pastime, even beyond school walls? By introducing Microsoft Math! Watch secondary and high school students and teachers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania share their experiences with Microsoft Math, and hear from the Director of Teacher Education at the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training in Tanzania about the goals the government has for the service, and what challenges Microsoft Math is helping to overcome.

Microsoft Math adds a social dimension to education, encouraging students to collaborate and compete with each other, and making the learning experience personal, engaging and exciting. Students can do thousands of math exercises, read theory, learn from examples, take tests, and more. Teachers can set assignments and homework for their class directly from the service, with the ability to better track students’ skill levels and to motivate them further.”

The question is – can your Grade 10-12 Mathematics students in South Africa afford to be without this free complement to the Maths syllabus?

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