Calling South African teachers – apply to join our exciting, free Adobe Youth Voices Programme

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Submitted by Omashani Naidoo

If you are a teacher of students aged 13 – 19 please think about joining our Adobe Youth Voices programme with a group of students – even if you need to form a club in order to do this.  Create media with the free products and free online training from Adobe headquarters that we supply. 

All teachers and learners who meet all expectations will go into a prize draw to win great prizes and a trip to the next IEARN conference.

What is this programme all about?

Adobe Youth Voices (AYV) is about igniting young people’s creative confidence – the ability to harness creative skills to solve problems – by empowering them to find their voice and make it heard. AYV is the Adobe Foundation’s global initiative to increase creativity in education, which we believe will better equip young people to be the problem solvers, critical thinkers, and leaders of tomorrow.

At the heart of AYV is an educational methodology that provides youth 13-19 years of age with the inspiration, training and technology to create original media content on an issue they care about. Through this experience, participants hone skills of self-expression, ideation, collaboration, flexibility and persistence – the skills we believe are central to creative confidence.

AYV is brought to life through strategic partnerships with mission-aligned organizations and school districts who deliver and support AYV programming in over 50 countries. The Adobe Foundation provides funds, software, training materials, and on-going support to partner organizations who work directly with thousands of schools, community organi­zations, and educators worldwide. These educators then facilitate AYV locally – reaching 130,000 young people to date.

Who is eligible to participate

• Schools or youth organizations that serve low-income, disadvantaged middle and high school youth (ages 13–19)

• Access to or a plan to access media production equipment and resources

• Commitment of site administrator and/or information technology department to expedite the installation of donated software on site computers as soon as it is made available.

Two courses on offer

Two course sessions are held during the AYV year. For South Africa, 6 educators will participate in the September course and another 6 educators in February. Each new educator is expected to take one 8-week course.

Course One: 23 September 2013 – 18 November 2013

+1 new course for returning AYV educators on Photoshop and Digital Messaging

Course Two: 17 February 2014 – 14 April 2014turnign educators on Photoshop and Digital Messaging

What are the benefits for me as a participating educator?

In addition to learning skills in the use of Adobe Photoshop and Premier Elements, learn skills in facilitating workshops on creating media and creating social messaging, the following programme activities are also offered to participating teachers and learners.



Essentials Essentials ( connects partners, their educators, and thousands more who join, in an online community where they can share ideas, access curriculum and other resources, and upload youth media works in progress to receive feedback.
Aspire Awards Aspire Awards (, a global online media festival, recognizes best-in-class content and creativity from youth around the world. AYV youth are invited to submit projects for online viewing and voting and winning projects are awarded software and hardware.
Creativity Scholarships The Creativity Scholarships program supports the next generation of creative thinkers and propels the future careers of those who create. The scholarships provide financial support to youth who have participated in AYV through the network of strategic partners.
Educator Training Through the AYV training, educators enhance their teaching strategies, gain new skills and collaborate with like-minded educators and youth media experts to enable young people to express themselves using digital tools.
AYV Live! AYV Live! Showcases and celebrates the youth media created over a program year. These exhibition events also present opportunities for the youth to interact with an audience about their work.
Project Pitch Session A project pitch session is an opportunity for the youth artists to present their ideas and confirm they have a solid plan before they go into production. Often pitch sessions are organized so that AYV youth present their ideas to a group of their peers and other AYV educators for feedback.
Rough Cut Review A rough cut review allows youth to take a step back and see their work as an audience does, while receiving feedback on ways to clarify and synthesize their ideas. Similar to the pitch session, rough cut reviews are usually done as a group, where youth artists and educators review work together and provide feedback.
AYV Summit The AYV Summit brings together AYV educators, partners and youth from around the world for a bi-annual training and celebration of the program. The Summit fosters best practice sharing, cross-cultural exchanges, develops youth leadership, and celebrates best-in-class educators.
Lead Educator Program The Lead Educator program has been designed as a way for AYV to maintain fidelity by supporting the core. AYV hosts an annual Lead Educator Training where Leads are prepared to be advocates for the program by articulating the need for creative confidence in their region and the community at large.

How to apply

Send Ms Omashani Naidoo, an email to express interest in participating in this Adobe Youth Voices collaboration project.

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