Class Dojo–a fantastic classroom motivational tool

Submitted by Fiona Beal
I have always loved creating a classroom spirit in my classes and one way of doing this is introducing plenty of motivational tools to encourage the learners. I was absolutely delighted recently when I came across this Glogster advertising two teachers’ use of a classroom motivational tool called Class Dojo. This is something that would work so well in a primary school classroom. Caitlin Jones and Erin Schudde did a fantastic job of this Glogster, don’t you agree? (I wish I could embed it but it is too big).


So, inspired by this amazing presentation of Class Dojo, I decided to try it out at I think it is a fantastic innovation. As I tried it out I took screenshots of what I did so have added them here as a slideshow. Why not give Class Dojo a try and see if it works for you?

Classroom Dojo – a class motivational tool

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