We are currently presenting a series of posts displaying the presentations given at the SchoolNet Conference in Durban in July this year. In each post we share the presentation made by the presenter. The rest of the Conference highlight posts can be viewed on this blog at this link: http://goo.gl/yYX7WE.
At the recent SchoolNet ICT in the classroom conference Omashani Naidoo from SchoolNet gave two presentations.
Omashani first presentation entitled ‘A leader in the 21st century’ referred to the very successful Telkom Foundation ICT project that benefits three provinces in South Africa, namely the Western Cape, the Eastern Cape and Free State. The project is aimed at Multigrade classrooms. Omashani showed the steps taken to develop the professional development in ICT technologies at the schools in the project. A Change Leadership course for Management and the Intel Getting Started course as well as the Microsoft ICT skills for teachers course are used in this project.
ICTs in Multigrade Classrooms by Omashani Naidoo from Schoolnet SA
Omashani’s second presentation was called ‘Google Educator Groups – changing the world of education together’. She is the GEG Co-ordinator for South Africa. To find out what the GEG program is all about visit http://www.google.com/landing/geg/ GEGs meet offline and online using meetups and Google+ communities. South Africa has its own GEG community called ‘GEG South Africa.’ Why not join up and stay in touch? https://goo.gl/D1lD6H