Congratulations to the 17th Annual National Teachers Awards Finalists and Winners

Submitted by Janet Thomson Executive Director of SchoolNet SA

SchoolNet wishes to congratulate
the deserving winners and finalists of the 2017 National Teachers Awards. The
prestigious ceremony was held at the Gallagher Convention Centre in
Johannesburg on Saturday 25 March and was re-broadcast on SABC 2 on Thursday 30th

The National Teaching Awards were
established in 2000 and are now their seventeenth year.  There are twelve categories, comprising a
range of accomplishments from excellence in primary school teaching to
excellence in Physical Science teaching. 
SchoolNet sponsors the prize for the winning teachers in the excellence
in the category for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning. SchoolNet’s
Megan Rademeyer-has been an adjudicator in this category since its

In 2017, Sara Motsitsi of
Reseamohetse Primary School in the Free State won the Excellence in
Technology–Enhanced, Teaching and Learning category.  Sara teaches Grade 4 Mathematics, has a
diploma in IT, as well as her teaching qualifications, and wants to assist her
colleagues to use technology effectively in their teaching; Sara said “… Teachers receive tablets without content or
instruction and end up not knowing how to use the devices
.”   The good news is that Sara will receive the
help she needs to support her colleagues to progress in their digital journeys
because SchoolNet South Africa has offered training to the value of R
30 000,00  for the whole staff as
part of Sara’s prize. 

Esmarie Rohr from Skukusa Primary
in Mpumalanga was placed second in the technology-enhanced category and Cecelia
Campbell from Erika Primary in the Western Cape was placed third. 

Each of these winners is able to
select any one of the SACE- endorsed SchoolNet SA courses facilitated for
teachers at their respective schools. Furthermore each of the three teachers
will have an opportunity to attend/present at a conference in South Africa
relating to educational uses of technology in the classroom.  The presentation of this award can be viewed
on the SchoolNet YouTube channel here

Winners of all categories
received a brand new car, a range of technology devices, a legacy hotel holiday
break and R 10 000. 

SchoolNet once again
congratulates all teachers in South Africa who work tirelessly to build better

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