Exciting, free MOOC ‘Úsing ICTs to enrich teaching and learning’ starting on Feb 16th. Why not enrol?


The Commonwealth of Learning and the African Virtual University have teamed up to provide a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) which is available online and open to anyone who would like to study the course for free.  The course is called, “ ‘Using ICTs to enrich teaching and learning’  and will guide participants to study online in an interactive learning environment.  The course aims to answer 3 questions: What are ICT’s (module 1), Why use ICTs in teaching and learning (module 2) and How to use ICTs to support teaching and learning? (module 3 and 4). Based on your unique learning expectations and needs, you can choose from a wide variety of learning expectations and from a wide variety of learning activities designed to help you extend, apply and use your learning from this MOOC.



Visit  https://moocs.avu.org/learn/using-icts-to-enrich-teaching-and-learning-2015 to find out more and enrol

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