Exciting news from Microsoft – New Online Teacher Academies are available #2

We are featuring each of the four new Microsoft Virtual Academy courses in four blogposts. We started yesterday with the Teacher AcademyIn the Cloud: File Storage, Collaboration and Communication with Office 365 course

Yesterday we posted a blogpost to the effect that Microsoft has announced that they are making four Teacher Academy online courses available both at Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA) and IT Academy. All the courses are designed to empower educators with the ability to effectively integrate Microsoft’s tools in their classrooms. The online courses, 3 hours each, are based on Teacher Academies face-to-face courses (originally developed in the US). Courses are highly interactive, and include text, voice, video, simulations, quizzes, “do-it-yourself” sections and assessments.

Today we feature the next course:

#2 Teacher Academy: The Ultimate Collaboration Tool: An Introduction to OneNote


The Ultimate Collaboration Tools: An Introduction to OneNote is designed to empower educators to navigate through the OneNote structure, and to organize and prepare lessons, student assignments, and tests. The course guides educators to create digital notebooks that support academic standards and education outcomes across disciplines and tasks. It also shows ways to enhance one’s productivity by using different OneNote features, like tagging, page templates, and drawing tools.

MVA: https://www.microsoftvirtualacademy.com/en-US/training-courses/teacher-academy-the-ultimate-collaboration-tool-an-introduction-to-onenote-11414

To summarise:


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