Four videos of the 2013 Cape Town Google Summit now available


Last year in October Cape Town experienced the first ever Google Summit in Africa hosted by SchoolNet and Parklands College at Parklands College. It was presented by the amazing EdTech team from the USA and it was an exceptionally inspiring event for teachers in the classroom as well as anyone involved in education. 

Parklands videotaped some of the sessions and SchoolNet has placed four of them on the SchoolNet YouTube channel. 

1) Kern Kelley – Technology is Trust
GAFE Kern Kelley (24 mins)

This was the closing keynote presented by Kern Kelley from Tech Sherpas

2) Molly Shroeder – Living in BetaGAFE Molly Shroeder Living in Beta (35 mins)

This was the opening keynote presented by Molly Shroeder from the Ed Tech Team

3) Rushton Hurley – The Good, the Great and the Rapid Change GAFE RushtonHurley The Good, the Great and the Rapid Change (48 mins)

This was a keynote from the ever popular Rushton Hurley from The Next Vista for Learning

4) GAFE Demo Slam

GAFE DemoSlam (48 mins)

A Demo Slam comprises a series of very short presentations by teachers on cool ideas related to education. This session was extremely popular and a load of fun.

 If you would like to read more about what happened at the Google Summit in Cape Town or look at the various presentations please do visit

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