Google #17: Webinar recording ‘Let’s explore Google Chrome and its extensions’

Google Chrome is definitely a fascinating and very user-friendly browser.  Some of the things I love about using it are:

  • You can easily create many different profiles for Chrome so that each email address you have uses its own profile.
  • The URL bar is called an Omnibox because you can search from it just as if you were operating in Google Search. 
  • One can paste all sorts of bookmarklets in the bookmarks bar. i.e. Pin it for Pinterest, ‘’ for etc.
  • There are so many wonderful time-saving extensions to add to the top right portion of the browser.
  • There are many applications that one can install on to the Google Search page for quick access.

Webinar recording

Last night SchoolNet hosted a webinar called ‘Let’s explore Google Chrome and its extensions’. Here is the recording link.

Webinar presentationThis is the webinar presentation on SlideShare.

Google chrome from Fiona Beal

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