Great sessions expected at the Google in Education Summit in July. Last day for early bird rates is TODAY June 2nd

SchoolNet SA is very pleased to be joining with Dainfern College in hosting the second annual EdTechTeam South Africa Summit at Dainfern College in Johannesburg on July 3 & 4, 2014. Unfortunately TODAY, June 2nd, is the last day for the early bird registrations. Please visit the conference website without delay and book your ticket at a significantly less rate.

Google summit-early birdThe final summit programme is not yet out, but we'd like to highlight the type of presentations you might come across at this year's Google Summit. As you know Google is always on the move adding more and more to its enormous store of free applications that will benefit every teacher.  The International team, who present these summits every week around the world, will definitely have some fresh surprises for us as they keep us up to date on what Google is doing in education. We're sure our four International presenters are going to bring us a whole new view of what is happening on the Google front. As for our local presenters, just looking through the great presentation ideas put forward we notice some really exciting titles. Here are but a few

*Lighten the Marking Load using Google Scripts
*Appy Days – Using Chrome Apps In Your Classroom
*Using Google to Make Kids Smarter
*Using Google’s Moonshot thinking to inspire your teaching and learning!
*Using Games to inspire learning or to elevate the mood of the students, like one day going to and getting a bouncing house for everyone.
*Digital storytelling in the classroom – the Google way
*Google Apps for Education on the iPad
*Going Paperless – Using Mobile Devices and Google Apps Scripts.
Take a look at last year's program to get an idea of the type of sessions that are presented.

Sessions include two keynote presentations, a demo slam competition, and a closing capstone session – plus two full days of informative breakouts, cutting-edge demonstrations, and hands-on workshops led by experienced and knowledgeable professional developers. 

Will we see you there?

Be sure to register TODAY on the conference website to obtain the early bird rate. As mentioned before, these Global Summits featuring Google in Education are held all over the world with HUGE success and we are very fortunate to have one right here in South Africa again this year. We look forward to seeing you there…

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