Have you ever wanted to add a slideshow of photos as a presentation on Blogger, for example, and there seems to be no quick fix? I have tried several options, unsuccessfully, until I came across this amazing app developed by Matt Miller and Alice Keeler, two of my favourite Edtech bloggers!. It is called DRIVESLIDES. DriveSlides takes an open folder of images in your Google Drive and it creates a new Google Slides presentation in seconds and adds each photo in that folder to its own slide in the presentation. This saves hours of time!
I first heard about DriveSlides on an Instagram image created by Tony Vincent, another one of my favourite EdTech bloggers. .
1. How to install the DriveSlides extension
This is how i went about installing DriveSlides – in case you want to do so as well. You need to be using the Chrome browser.
a) Find the extension in the Chrome Web Store
Open your Chrome browser and in the Apps section look for Chrome webstore. Ask for the extension called DriveSlides.
b) Add it to Google Chrome
When it opens at the side, click on ‘Ádd to Chrome’
c) Give your Drive permission to add this extension
You’ll notice that when it is added at the top of your browser it is a grey colour. Once an open folder of images presents itself the icon turns orange!
2. Add a second extension ‘Save to Google Drive’
Add this second extension as well as it will facilitate this process of creating a slide presentation from a folder of images.
3. Upload your images and put them into folder in Google Drive
Upload your images and create a folder for them.
Open the folder. You’ll notice that the DriveSlides extension turns orange once the folder is opened.
4. Click on the DriveSlides extension
It will ask for permission the first time you use it. Click on Allow.
5. Your slide presentation will appear!
In a matter of seconds your slide presentation will appear. It’s amazing!
All that’s left now is for you to embed the presentation into your website, blogpost or Google Site! Thank you to Matt Miller for creating such an awesome time-saving extension!
Matt Miller has written about the is extension and how you can use it your classroom in his blogpost entitled: 2 BRAND NEW tools to help students display work, reflect. His video tutorial on how to create a DriveSlides presentation is embedded below.