Generally if you are going to send documents to another person via email, the
safest and most popular format to use is the PDF format. This is because the PDF
format keeps the formatting in the document intact but also because free
applications to open PDFs can be easily downloaded from the Internet.
Opening emailed PDFs on Android devices
Android devices can view PDF files easily by downloading Google Drive, a free
application, from the Google Play store, that is, if it is not already
installed on your device.
Download the Google Drive app
- Touch the Google Play icon on your Android device. (You will need to be
connected to the Internet.) - Find and install the application called Google Drive.
- On your phone or tablet home screen, click the Google Drive app
Open a PDF attachment in an email message – Android
Opening a PDF attachment in an email message will involve
automatically opening the PDF in a viewer app. Your email app could also
rather opt to save it in your Downloads folder – it depends on the email program
that you use. I use Gmail so this is what happens on my Android phone:
a) Simply click on the PDF and it opens in the PDF viewer provided by
Google Drive
b) One can download it to the device in which it would go to the
download section
c) It can be saveed in Google Drive
Open a PDF attachment in an email message – iPad
To open on an iPad with Google Drive app installed it will give me the same
options but in a different way.
a) Only the Save in Google Drive icons will
show on the PDF.
b) When clicking on the PDF to open it, it will open and the
upload button will give a large number of options for where to save the PDF, one
of which will be Google Drive.
Other Android Apps that can open PDFs
Other iPad apps that can open PDFs