Submitted by Fiona Beal
It all started when Philemon Kotsokoane tweeted me (on Twitter) saying “… I’d like to follow last night’s chat on How do I access all the chat & remove smart pausing message?#edchatsa”
Up to that point I had only been using a free programme called Tweetdeck for Twitter chats. I wrote a blogpost on how to use Tweetdeck last month The reason I enjoy using Tweetdeck is because you can have a whole host of hashtags open and can follow where you wish. But I have to admit – this can be distracting at times.
After liaising with Philemon who said he had Tweetdeck installed but felt he would prefer to use Tweetchat, I decided to explore Tweetchat. I discovered that Tweetchat doesn’t need to be installed as it is completely web-based. It also allows you to focus completely on the hashtag you are interested in. So, this is how it works:
1. Open Tweetchat (
2. Sign in with your Twittter account (so It is important to join Twitter first).
3. Choose the hashtag you wish to follow and type it in on the top (to the left of ‘Go’). This spot is almost hidden. I am using the #edchatsa for this since this chat is something I enjoy participating in every week.
4. Immediately the current conversation in that hashtag opens.
5. From there it is just ‘Go’ and enjoy the ride!