A linoit board is a virtual free bulletin board which can be populated with online stickies. These stickies can have resoeurces such as videos, weblinks and images added as well as text. You can organise the board in any way that you want. The board can be public or private and stickies can be moderated before being published by the creator. Only the creator of the board can delete stickies.
How to create a Linoit Board
My presentation on how to create a Linoit board
A tutorial
Here is a great YouTube tutorial on using Linoit from 3 Minute Tech.
Classroom uses
1. Great for student discussions – student opinion can be collected http://goo.gl/qcNGK3
2. It is a great way to share resources and links
3. A great way to check for understanding when a topic has been taught.
4. A great place to store personal and class notes
5. A classroom bulletin board—putting up assignments, class announcements, links that are of interest, pictures from class or from projects, etc.
6. Writing responses
7. As a KWL chart using different colours for the categories
8. Analysing a character in Literature or History
9. You could post a video on the board with a task underneath and let the students add their comments on the board. http://linoit.com/users/seburnt/canvases/Job%20Interviews
10. A collaborative birthday greeting