iEARN Youth Summit and Annual Conference to take place in Brazil – and a message to AYV teachers from South Africa…


Submitted by Omashani Naidoo

This is a message from iEARN about the upcoming conference in Brazil. A reminder that all south african AYV teachers who submit learners media projects have a chance of going to this conference and will have all conference, travel, and accommodation expenses paid…

The iEARN Brazil Conference team is working hard to prepare the programs for the 2015 Conference and Youth Summit which will be hosted in Brasília, Brazil, which will be held at the Centro de Convenções Ullysses Guimarães from July 26 to July 31.

Both programs offer dynamic workshops on collaborative projects, media creation and new pedagogies. The Youth Summit participants will enjoy local field trips, special art activities and cultural activities that will be planned in conjunction with the iEARN Youth Representatives.

Each year since 1994, around 600 educators and students from over 55 countries come together at the iEARN Conference and Youth Summit for a week to present and share models for using technology to build global understanding and advance teaching and learning.

Find out more

Conference Website:

Conference and Youth Summit Facebook Page:

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