Microsoft Virtual Academy 4Africa webinars for teachers…an update

In a blogpost in July () we mentioned that
Microsoft had announced their Microsoft Virtual Academy online courses for
teachers. In South Africa the Microsoft Virtual Academy has a branch called the
Microsoft Virtual Academy 4Africa . Victor Ngobeni from Microsoft and Megan
Rademeyer from SchoolNet have been holding webinars for teachers once a month on
this platform. These webinars cover topics that teachers will love and the
recordings can be listened to at any time:

Previous recordings

1) Apply to become a Microsoft Innovative Educator
Expert: The blogpost about this webinar can be accessed at: aand the actual webinar
recording can be listened to at

2) One Note for Education: The blogpost about this webinar
can be accessed at:and the actual webinar
recording can be listened to at 

3) The blogpost about this webinar
can be found at . The actual webinar
recording can be listened to at

Keep watching our blog for announcements of the monthly webinars. 

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