Great videos about 21st century teaching and learning

In one of our pre-assignments before attending PIL Institute in Redmond, we were asked to discuss our views on 21st century teaching and learning, and also add artefacts, and place all of this in our Partners in Learning community site. Many of the attendees added video links as their artefacts, so I have listed them here for quick access. These videos capture what, I believe, best describes teaching and learning in the 21st Century. These videos focus on the skills that students need or what teachers see as vital skills for both teachers and learners.

1. A vision of K-12 today

2. A vision of 21st century teachers

3. What teachers make by Taylor Mali

4. Three steps

5. Learning to change, changing to learn

And then there is my favourite which was shown to us at the Schoolnet conference in Joburg in July. .

Can you recommend any others?

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