Interesting links

Submitted by Brenda Hallowes 2011

Five Reasons why Video Games Power up Learning.  The mention of video games and children can bring on some strong negative reactions from those who believe they are a waste of time and brain power in the young. But are they? This article by Mind/Shift gives some good reasons why they are beneficial.

 You are into social networking? Or you’d like to be but not sure how to begin “tweeting”? Tom Barrett gives some ideas for getting your Twitter experience off the ground in his article “5 Things To Get Your Twitter Network Off the Ground”.  Once you get tweeting Tom is an excellent person to follow @tombarrett

This site is appealing and inspiring for busy teachers – Under Ten Minutes.  There are quick video tutorials for 8 web-based programs to get you started introducing your learners to technology integration.  The Pivot Stick Man is fun and easy for even young children (grades 2 to 4)  to learn animation whilst Scratch is useful for older children – grades 5 up.

These three links are just a small sample of the links on our Facebook page at SchoolNet SA. They are also captured and tweeted from our Twitter account @schoolnetsa. If you don’t do social networking you might consider a bookmarking site like Diigo. All our sites are captured in our Diigo group at SchoolNetSA.

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