Submitted by Fiona Beal
On Tuesday 16 August I wrote a blog post about a Grade 4 class in the USA wanting to create a peace video for International Peace Day on 21st September ( This was the message they put out:
“Dear Classrooms Around the Globe,
This year my fourth grade classroom at Lafayette Regional School in Franconia, NH would like to have a big celebration for International Peace Day on Sept 21, 2011. In honor of this day, I would like my fourth graders to create a multi – cultural vision of peace movie. We would like to collect movies from classrooms around the globe of their MESSAGE OF PEACE. The movies might include poetry, song, dance, or etc. The overall theme of the movie is “A Message of Peace” that answer what peace means to them. The requirement for the video:
Length “21 seconds or less”
Title: “A Message of Peace”
Upload: email your interest to me and I will follow up with instructions for uploading (We will be using Dropbox)
Due Date: Sept 16, 2011
Language: In your own language
Goal: 21 classroom representing all six continents
My students will mash all the videos together to create a international message of peace that will premier on Sept 21, 2011.”
Garrett Ferguson is a teacher that I have worked with before on projects – he always does great things with his class. They had a great response from classes around the world. Two classes from local Fish Hoek schools responded to the blog postand subitted videos – The Rock Academy and Fish Hoek Primary. The Grade 4 Lafayette class created a final verson incorporating everyone’s video which I have embedded below. It is so exciting when classes link with other classes around the world. The spin-off of this is that the Rock Academy and Grade 4 Lafyette are going to have a Skype session together soon!
Well done to everyone involved in the video.