Isibonelo Secondary School in KwaMashu Opens New Computer Lab

submitted by Hlengiwer Mfeka

clip_image002KwaMashu, KZN: Isibonelo Secondary School opened their new fully fledged-computer lab that may be used to preparing learners for the 21st century economy on 21 February 2014. The lab resulted from the efforts between giveITback and EasyPay. The effort is an example of how public-private partnerships are still a viable option to mobilize resources and enhance efforts to bridge a digital divide. 

The lab include 36 new modern computers equipped with educational software and connected to a wireless internet. The computer lab is expected to benefit more than 1200 learners and 47 educators including four non-educator staff at the school. The Grade 10 Computer Applications Technology (CAT) 2014 learners were delighted to be part of this memorable occasion.

Mrs Mbanjwa welcomes the guests

clip_image003Isibonelo Secondary School is one of the best performing public schools in the region, so it is no wonder most of the learners in the township wish to enrol there. Ms TJ Mbanjwa, the Deputy Principal who welcomed the guests described the school using the word “WELCOME” as an acronym for – “Welcoming, Enthusiastic, Loving, Caring, Organized, Motivated and Excel” These attributes were confirmed by Mr J Michael, giveITback founder who appreciated the cooperation since the conceptualization of the lab. He expressed his astonishment of how the school had excellently organized the computer lab’s opening function.

“Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mineworker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation. It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another.” said Madiba quoted by Mr Ravi, EasyPay Provincial Manager. He believes that their contribution will also benefit the wider community.

South African National Civic Organization (SANCO) representative, Mr Shange, assured sponsors that the computer lab is in safe hands.  Mrs Sokhela from the Community Councillor office expressed her gratitude to the sponsors for ploughing back to the community.

A wonderful and jolly afternoon

The school principal, Mr MM Khalala, the staff members and the learners were in a jolly mood throughout the occasion and this was expressed by their smiles and positive energy. It was clear that the event had been awaited with great anticipation. Teachers at the school are eager to take on a Teacher Professional Development course that will capacitate them to effectively use the technology in their hands. It has been confirmed that teachers at this school will receive the Intel Teach Getting Started Training Course offered and this will be conducted by SchoolNet SA.

It is hoped that teachers and learners at the school will make best use of the technology offered and continue to excel and innovate.

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