Join a free Western Cape Innovation workshop on Sat 11th or Sat 18th May

Microsoft is currently holding free workshops
around the country to prepare teachers for the Microsoft Partners in Learning Innovative
Educator Forum this year, and we are holding two in the Cape Town region over
the next two Saturdays.  We would love
you to attend one of them (the presenter at both workshops will be Fiona Beal).


Saturday 11th May 2013 – Somerset House Preparatory School,  Drama Street,
Somerset West from 8:30 – 4pm

Saturday 18th May 2013
– St Cyprians School, Gorge Road, Oranjezicht, 8001 from
8:30 – 4pm

Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert programme

The format and requirements for the Microsoft Partners in
Learning Forum have changed quite radically this year compared to
previous years. Microsoft is introducing the Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert
programme recognising 250 innovative teachers from around the world (much like
the Apple Distinguished Educator and the Google Certified Teacher) The Global
Forum for this will take place in March 2014 (destination still to be
announced), but entries still have to be in this year. There are two entry
dates for this competition:

By 3 June 2013 to win a
trip to the SchoolNet Conference in Bloemfontein and be selected as a finalist at
the South African Global Forum

By 31 July 2013 for
another chance to be a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert

(The reason for  the two dates  is that teachers can still apply for the
Microsoft Expert Educator programme up till the closing date at the end of July
but would miss being recognised at the local forum in Bloemfontein.)

Teachers are now asked
to upload a Learning Activity to the Partners in Learning Network (including a
two-minute video) and they need to apply to be a Microsoft Innovative Educator:
Expert. This is not as daunting as it sounds! How to apply is covered in the
workshop, but attention is also paid to making sound use of digital tools,
using social media for professional development and looking at examples of how
other teachers have used digital tools in engaging or creative ways.

Workshop sessions

The current Innovation
Workshop is quite different from previous versions and feedback from sessions
that have already been run has been very positive. Below are the session titles
and what is covered:

Session 1: Teaching and
Learning in a connected world

Using Social Media for
educational purposes and your own professional development

Session 2: Learning
Activities that use Digital Tools

See how other teachers
have created or enhanced a lesson by incorporating free, easy-to-use tools

Session 3: Getting ideas,
mastering tools, creating Learning Activities

Devise a Learning
Activity that would teach a new concept to a group using a tool or technique

Session 4: 21st Century
Learning Dimensions

Learn about six
dimensions that 21st Century teachers should aim towards and how to include
them in your learning activities

Session 5: Creating your
own Learning Activity

Brainstorm ways of
creating or enhancing a learning activity that you can use to develop 21st
century skills

Session 6: Applying to
be a Microsoft Innovative Educator: Expert

Show your passion for
using technology for education and you stand a chance of winning a spot at the
SchoolNet ICT in the Classroom conference to present your Learning Activity and
being selected to attend the Partners in Learning Global Forum

We know that many teachers
are creating creative and engaging learning activities and we would love to see
these entries. It would be great if you could encourage colleagues to enter and
could perhaps run a few sessions with them as part of your staff development
programmes. More information about the Forum as well as the resources for the
sessions can be found at the following link: 2013 South Africa and Lesotho
Partners in Learning Discussion on the PiL Network at

Contact fiona(at) for further details. 

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