Join in with some of the Global Classroom events this weekend …


The Global Classroom Project is a grassroots global education community dedicated to enabling teachers and students explore new ways to connect, learn, share, and collaborateglobally. More information at

Here are some of their weekend events:

Saturday and Sunday, September 6th + 7th 12pm – 9pm 

CUE Learning Revolution Online Summit Featuring Google for Education, CUE and The Learning Revolution Project, the producers of the Google Teacher Academy and the Global Education Conference, are joining forces to expand globally connective opportunities for educators. This September, these organizations will be hosting the first ever Online Summit Featuring Google for Education, highlighting the work of Google Certified Teachers, Google Education Trainers, Google Educators and Googlers themselves. Learn more and register here.

Saturday, September 6th at 12pm

CR20 LIVE Weekly Show: Joan Young on “Encouragement in the Classroom”, We are excited to have Joan Young as our special guest on Classroom 2.0 LIVE on September 6, 2014. Joan has recently published her book: Encouragement in the Classroom and she will be sharing some of her best tips and strategies for creating and nurturing an encouraging classroom environment. We all know the factors that can threaten a positive classroom environment: stress from testing, lack of motivation, and problems that students bring from home, for a start. What if we could implement some simple practices to buffer against these factors’ negative effects? The good news is that we can. Some of the suggestions Joan will share include how fostering humor, mindfulness, resilience, curiosity, and gratitude in the classroom empowers students to learn from their mistakes, celebrate successes, and actively engage in learning. Details to join the webinar at

Monday, September 8th at 8pm

TL Virtual Cafe – #TLChat LIVE!, Second Monday of each month is the Teacher Librarian Twitter Chat. Follow #TLChat on Twitter to participate.

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