Join Microsoft PIL, Johannesburg, for a webinar series on assessing 21st Century skills starting Wednesday evening 18th July from 6 – 6:30 pm

On Wednesday evening 18th July (and for another four Wednesdays after that) Microsoft Partners in Learning, Johannesburg is running a LEAP21 series of webinars on assessing 21st century skills, from 6 – 6:30 pm using their Lync webinar software. The one on Wednesday 18th is the first in a series on the five dimensions of 21st Century learning. 

Join ALL the online meetings at this web address

This webinar series will focus on innovative teaching and learning approaches and how the LEAP21 material supports this. It will be of special interest to teachers who wish to enter innovative projects for the Partners in Learning Forum in 2013. The webinar on the 18th was about ASSESSING COLLABORATION collaboration. The webinar on the 25th July at 6:30pm will be about assessing KNOWLEDGE-BUILDING.

What is LEAP21

LEAP21 is based on the way ITL Research studies and measures innovative teaching practices. LEAP21 asks teachers and school leaders to analyse and ‘score’ learning activities to see how deeply they integrate 21st century skills, collaborate in designing new learning activities that provide deeper 21st century skills development, examine the impact of these learning activities on students’ work, and use ICT as part of the process.

What teachers are saying about this

Teachers who go through this process say it gives them a clear and practical way to integrate 21st century skills in their own teaching. LEAP21 requires that educators be active and engaged knowledge-builders, adopting and using the very skills they are seeking to instill in their students: collaboration, knowledge-building, self-regulation and assessment (or learning to learn) and use of technology for learning. Through the programme, teachers become learners of their own teaching practices by studying the impact of their teaching on students LEAP21 guidelines help teacherss identify and understand the opportunities that learning activities give students to build 21st century skills. Microsoft will be hosting workshops and webinars on LEAP21, focusing on the five dimensions of 21st Century learning.

The LEAP21 discussion Forum on the Partners in Learning Network will allow all participants of LEAP21 training to connect and discuss the topic, as well as access the documents needed for the webinar.

Downloads for tomorrow’s webinar (25th July)

The following downloads will be useful for the webinars

1) Lesson examples

2) How to join a Lync conference call

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