Lesson idea #5: Create goals for the year with your students using Glossi

Glossi.com is a great new publishing platform that enables anyone to create and share their own digital magazines across devices…free. It looked like a great application to use with a Middle School class and I decided to use it as the end point in a lesson about setting goals.


The aim of the lesson
The students work in groups and discuss goal-setting. They select relevant categories for goal setting. Individually they create their own specific goals for each category and display their top six goals on a Glossi digital publication.

My preparation involved getting to know Glossi and practising the lesson before the actual day. Here is a downloadable presentation that I created to aid the students in case they needed to view it.

Make a Glossi with your students from Fiona Beal

The lesson

1. I used a variation of the following image to create a different way for the students to form groups of three. The pieces had no names on them and the students had to find their group members.



school-year #.UxNLu_mSzh5

2. After sharing their group discussions the class selected seven categories for goals.
•School goals:
•Personal goals:
•Friendship goals:
•Spiritual goals:
•Hobby goals:
•Future goals
•Sport goals:

3. Each person created their own goals for each category and displayed their top eight on a Glossi. As they learned about how to use Glossi I loved the way they shared their tips, ideas and discoveries.

The results

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Two examples of a finished Glossi

Glossi.com - Goals

Click to view Goals on GLOSSI.COM

Glossi.com - MY GOALS FOR GRADE 9


My evaluation of Glossi

The students loved using this media. It is a great tool to use to display work in a digital magazine format. I’d like to use it with some of the lower grades as well. 

Further examples of what can be done with Glossi.com

I came across these two digital magazines created with Glossi. Take a look:

1. Awesome digital mash-up tools for creating online learning content

2. Warning! Reading must be fun!

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