Local Microsoft webinar ‘Get Swaying! – Create Sways and use them in your classroom’: 4th Feb. 3pm

You can use Sway to create and share interactive reports, presentations and personal stories.

In this webinar @MeganRademeyer and @VictorNgobeni will show you how to create a Sway and they will give you some ideas for using this fun, free presentation tool in your classroom. Guest presenter @PhutiRagophala, a current Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert, will show us some of her Sways and how she’s used this tool in the classroom and to spread her ideas.  

Time: 3pm (SAST)
Date: Thursday 4th February 2016
Link: Watch the webinar live on this link: http://mva.zoom.ms/

Here is the presentation used in the webinar:

Microsoft 4Afrika Virtual Academy – Get Swaying – February 2016 (1) from Schoolnet SA

You can also look out for the recording on the Microsoft Virtual Academy: http://www.microsoftvirtualacademy.com/ If you can’t make the webinar – but are keen to learn about Sway – check out this free Introduction to Sway course on the Microsoft Educator Community

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