Microsoft has just announced that the Partner in Learning School Review (PilSR) has been updated, streamlined and re-introduced as the School Transformation Survey and is ready now! It is available at on the Microsoft Educator Community. This is a tool which supports the leadership of 21st Century Pedagogy referenced in the Microsoft Education Transformation Framework It should become a critical tool in your work with individual schools, districts and at system levels as it can show measurable improvement over time.
Measure Innovative Teaching across a school or region
The School Transformation Survey is a whole school survey tool used for bench-marking innovative practices, measuring improvement and identifying growth points.
- This survey measures the perception of leadership and educators around the components of Innovative Teaching and Learning and provides a report within MeC, as a printable PDF and as a data file.
- The Survey tool supports the Leadership of 21st Century Pedagogy organizer in the Microsoft in Education Transformation Framework.
Using the survey is simple and confidential
The school simply identifies a survey administrator who reviews a quick user-guide Office MIX and receives a code to unlock the survey on the administrators profile in the Microsoft Educator Community.
The Office Mix user-guide can be found at:
The data is yours and your administrator can view data:
- live through the Microsoft Educator Community
- as a printable PDF
- as a download
Best practice
- Read the research. The School Transformation Survey is underpinned by the findings of the Innovative Teaching and Learning Research
- Undertake the survey with a pilot group. Have the admin create a sample survey for a pilot group of teachers and leaders to take so you can best understand how to introduce this to your staff and answer any questions.
- Create time to walk through the survey as a staff .
- Develop shared understanding around some of the language will ensure validity of the results.
- Understand what could be next. The School Transformation Survey will identify Innovative Teaching and Learning strengths and growth points. The 21CLD Program available in the Microsoft Educator Community will develop capacity to design learning that develops 21st century skills.
You will find the School Transformation Survey an invaluable to tool to use in continuing your transformation journey.