If your Grade 10-12 Maths students are not yet taking advantage of this great, free service offered by Microsoft please get them registered as soon as they return to school in the third term. This is a free service that they will benefit from enormously.
What is Microsoft Math?
On 26 November 2014 the Nokia MoMaths name changed to Microsoft Math due to the acquisition of Nokia Devices & Services business by Microsoft. The new name for the service was selected to be Microsoft Math. https://math.microsoft.com. This is a great site for Grade 10-12 Maths students to use after hours either in groups or individually to revise their Maths content and get help with any queries.
Advantages of the Microsoft Math programme
One of the many advantages of this program is that it is an after school free programme and learners can set up their own study groups with friends and see how they are doing or compete with each other! The program is also accessible from a PC or a tablet.
If you are a Maths teacher and you don’t yet know about this service, why not try it our this holiday for yourself by going to https://math.microsoft.com and registering. You’ll be amazed!