In November 2014 the Nokia MoMaths name changed to Microsoft Math due to the acquisition of Nokia Devices & Services business by Microsoft. You can access Microsoft Math at
Can your Grade 10 – 12 Maths students afford to be without this service? This is a great, FREE site for students to use after hours either in groups or individually to revise their Maths content and get help with any queries. Microsoft Math provided extra motivation not too long ago in the form of a competition with great prizes.
What are the advantages of the Microsoft Math programme?
One of the great advantages of this program is that learners can set up their own study groups with friends and see how they are doing or compete with each other! The program is accessible from smartphones, tablets as well as a PC.
Get access to quality learning content 24/7, on any device!
If you are a Grade 10-12 Maths teacher and your students haven’t yet signed up – encourage them to do so without delay.