Microsoft Trainer Validation Workshops run in South Africa and Kenya

Submitted by Megan Rademeyer

There are a number of great new Microsoft tools including Sway, Office Mix and OneNote Class Notebook as well as online Microsoft courses including Teaching with Technology and 21st Century Learning Design. Many of these tools and courses are available through the Microsoft Educator Community at no cost to teachers. The intention of the Microsoft Trainer Validation Workshops, which were held in Johannesburg in November 2015 and Nairobi, Kenya in December 2015, were to show trainers and people responsible for professional development at various NGOs what tools are available and how these can be leveraged in workshops. Megan Rademeyer from SchoolNet SA facilitated these training sessions and the participants are now equipped with the skills to share these tools and online courses with teachers in their networks. If you are a trainer or someone responsible for professional development of teachers in your school or organisation, and if you would like to attend a future Microsoft Trainer Validation workshop in Johannesburg, please email

To read the full report on the Microsoft Trainer Validation workshops, click here

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