More TeachMeet ideas from the Partners in Learning Institute week in July 2011

In a previous post I mentioned about TeachMeets that we were introduced to at the Partners in Learning Institute in July 2011.  At that stage some of us had never even heard of the concept before but we loved the idea and have taken it back to our countries.  We were videoed presenting our teachmeets, but the file is too big to process. However, some of the innovative participators have redone their presentations and have uploaded them to a video site! Here they are to date!

1. Arjana on Vodpad

My first Teach Meet Session

– Watch more Tech Videos at Vodpod.

2. Bram on YouTube

3. Bart on YouTube

4. Yugoslava used Screenr

I am hoping that this idea of Teachmeets will really spread in South Africa. This is a great way to share integration-with-technology ideas. If you hold a TeachMeet in your area PLEASE let us know about it!

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