Recently, on our Nokia post entitled ‘The free Nokia Mobile Maths service (Gr 10-12) is available for smartphone but also works on a PC’ we received a very encouraging comment naming Nokia Mobile Maths as an excellent service…
“Thank you so much for this blog – as a Maths consultant involved in the authoring and editing of this material, I am very happy to see this excellent service advertised more widely. I wish to briefly highlight 2 additional features that I believe are worth being aware of:
1. users can create groups (e.g. teachers can create a class group). Those in the groups can see how many points others in the group have obtained, and in what topics and sub-topics
2. The feedback after a user enters an answer is immediate. This not only indicate whether the answer is correct or incorrect, BUT also provides a full worked solution!
Have fun everyone!
Garth Spencer-Smith”
PS. If any teachers would like to join a MoMaths teachers’ group, please email me at”
Thank you for this great comment Garth. We hope that some students teachers will take up your offer of joining a MoMaths teachers’ group