SchoolNet webinar recording ”Managing the Connected 21st Century learner with OneNote Class Notebook’ by Freddy Chireka

On Thursday afternoon 26 January at 3:30pm we held a SchoolNet free webinar entitled ”Managing the Connected 21st Century learner with OneNote Class Notebook’. Our speaker was Freddy Chireka, a MIE Expert and MIE Master Trainer who is experienced in training teachers in ICT integration. He has 10 years of teaching experience including his current role as Professional Learning Specialist at Vastratech PD Academy, South Africa, where he is in charge of Technology Integration in Learning Spaces. We used the Adobe Connect webinar platform for the webinar.

The webinar description

In this webinar Freddy spoke about the use of technology in the classroom and how it presents enormous advantages and opportunities for both the teacher and learner to enter the space of 21st Century Connected Learning. It also comes with its own risks and challenges. He explained that Microsoft OneNote Class Notebook is a vital tool to bring the teacher back into control and lead the process of learning. Freddy showed us how to use OneNote Class Notebook creator to create a Class Notebook with three main sub-notebooks namely:

  • Student Notebooks: private notebooks that are shared between each teacher and their individual students. Teachers can access these notebooks at any time, but students cannot see other students’ notebooks. 
  • Content Library: a notebook for teachers to share course materials with students. Teachers can add and edit its materials, but for students, the notebook is read-only. 
  • Collaboration Space: a notebook for all students and the teacher in the class to share, organize, and collaborate.

The downloadable webinar presentation

Here is the downloadable presentation from the webinar available online in SlideShare:

Managing the 21st century connected learner with onenote class notebook from Schoolnet SA

The webinar recording

The webinar recording can be listened to on the following link on YouTube:  or it can be viewed in the embedded video below.

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