Pearson’s ‘International Teacher (and School) Of The Year Award’ that you might like to apply for …closing date 2 May 2014

Pearson’s forwarded us information about this International competition for teachers (and schools) and I thought it would be a great idea to promote it via our SchoolNet blog. Closing date is May 2nd 2014. 

Information follows:


Read about last year’s winners
Read what the 2013 winners had to say about the competition here

School & Teacher of the Year Awards

The second annual School and Teacher of the year Awards will be presented at the 21CLHK December 2014 conference at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC)

Teacher of the Year

School of the Year

Recognizing & Highlighting Best Practice

These international awards will reflect excellence in the use of learning technologies in the classroom and school. With educators from over 20 countries attending our annual conference, there will be no geographical restrictions on entries ensuring this is a truly global award.

A representative from the winning school and the winning individual teacher will be flown as a guest of 21CL to the December 2014 conference to receive their trophies.

How to Enter

Entrants will be asked to produce a range of media to support their and this will be used to judge the submissions. See the award pages for full details of criteria and application process.

Entries are open now and further information will be posted on our website, social media channels and by email.

Selecting the Winners

The award winners will be chosen by a global panel of illustrious educators who will be looking for exemplary and innovative practice in the classroom or school. The awarding panel has already been confirmed and are either noted academics or associated professionals in education field.

Award Sponsor

Pearson is the sole sponsor of both the Teacher and School of the year Awards.

Pearson is the world’s leading learning company, with more than 150 years of experience married with the very latest expertise in technology. Pearson’s educational resources, technology and assessment services support learning in more than 75 countries and over 100 languages.

Learn more at

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