Peter Rafferty confirmed as keynote presenter for the SchoolNet SA ICT in the Classsroom conference 5-7 October

We are thrilled to announce that Peter Rafferty from the UK, has been confirmed as a keynote speaker for the SchoolNet SA conference.

Up until 2016 Peter Rafferty was a primary school teacher and digital leader at Green Park Primary School just outside Liverpool in the UK. As well as being a successful and enthusiastic teacher, he was at forefront of educational blogging in the UK starting the blog in 2005. This early adoption of technologies to support teaching and learning continued with the introduction of G Suite (then Google Apps for Education) in 2010.

With a strong background educational digital strategy, Peter moved from being a full time teacher to teaching part time as well as using his skills and experience to work with schools and teachers in the UK and across Europe. He still supports Green Park on their technology adventures as well as Redgate Primary School in Formby.

The continuing and infectious enthusiasm for technology and digital skills to be at the heart of teaching and learning have helped Peter to have a creative and innovative network in many different regions of the world.

Register here, on our Conference page, for the SchoolNet SA conference – taking place at Brescia House School in Bryanston, Gauteng between 5-7 October 2017.

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