Professional Development Framework for Digital Learning published

The Department of Basic Education in South Africa has published a Professional Development Framework for Digital Learning. The aim of this Framework is to build educator competencies in facilitating learning with digital tools and resources.

Some of the topics addressed in the Framework include: the context and scope for digital literacy skills; factors influencing competence in digital literacy; and pedagogical transformation.

Training is underway in NorthWest, KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng to equip provincial officials with the skills to provide teacher workshops on understanding digital learning competences, with other provinces scheduled to also receive training.

SchoolNet SA was proud to be part of the team that gave input into the Framework. We know that it will be a valuable resource to guide teachers who use digital tools and resources to support learning as well as to school leaders and e-leaning specialists supporting staff in developing their digital learning competencies. 

Click on the link to download the Professional Development Framework for Digital Learning.

The Framework and its many supporting resources are available .   

Teachers are also encouraged to try out the online diagnostic self-assessment tool.

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