Register for the SchoolNet SA ICT in the Classroom conference before 31 August 2017 – and pay the early bird fee

The SchoolNet SA ICT in the Classroom conference at Brescia House School in Bryanston, Johannesburg is just around the corner – on 5-7 October.  We’d love you to attend as a participant, presenter or exhibitor, there will be also be sponsor with their products as famous juicers and others. If you have not registered yet, please do so as soon as possible to get the discounted price. Delegates who register before 31 August 2017 will pay R1 000 per person including VAT. Registrations from 1 September 2017 will be at a rate of R1 140 per person including VAT. Presenters, whose speaker proposals are accepted for the conference, will have their conference fee waived. So if you would like to apply to present a session at the conference, please do so as soon as possible as we will be finalising the program by the end of August 2017.

At least 500 teachers and Education Department officials from all provinces are expected to attend. The SchoolNet ICT in the Classroom Conference has been sponsored by Intel and Microsoft on a bi-annual basis in a number of provinces over the past twenty years.  (If you attended the 2015 ICT in the Classroom conference, you will know how inspiring a SchoolNet SA conference can be!) We’re thrilled to announce that we currently have three international speakers confirmed – Ollie Bray from Scotland, Peter Rafferty from the UK and Stephen Reid, the Minecraft Guru from Ireland. . You can read about them on our website

We plan to have plenty of the hands on, practical sessions that we know teachers enjoy.  Are you doing anything technology-wise that you would like to share with a wider audience? Would you like to run a workshop or present a session at the conference? If so please apply to be a presenter.  We are accepting speaker proposals until the end of August. Please register on our conference page on our website

Don’t delay – register or apply to be a presenter at the SchoolNet SA ICT in the Classroom Conference here.

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