SchoolNet free webinar ‘ Introduction to Scratch and Coding Events’ presented by Nomusa Kinenda on Thurs 24 October at 3:15pm

We are pleased to announce that our next free webinar, Introduction to Scratch and Coding’ will be held this coming Thursday 26th October 2017 at 3:15pm (GMT+2). Our speaker will be Nomusa Keninda, Senior E- Learning Specialist in the Mpumalanga Department of Education and founder of the Mpumalanga ICT. Nowadays technology is everywhere! There seems to be an app for whatever need we may have. The Internet is the backbone of how we live in our modern society. Our world is increasingly run by software. As a result coding is becoming a vital skill that should be part of every classroom. In countries like England coding is becoming part of the curriculum for children between the ages of five and 15. Scratch is a great, free, online program to introduce to yourlearners. Learners as young as 5 years can use Scratch to express their online creations while collaborating and sharing with other online users.  In Thursday’s webinar Nomusa Keninda will, among other things, give an example of using Scratch in a lesson.  We invite you to join us!

Webinar details

Webinar title: Introduction to Scratch and Coding

Presenter: Nomusa Keninda, Senior E- Learning Specialist in Mpumalanga Department of Education and Mpumalanga ICT Club Founder

Summary: Nomusa says, “Coding is a new language every child deserves to be fluent. Introducing learners into Basic Computer Science like Coding is the best thing you can give to them. This Webinar will equip teachers, NGOs or NPOs and everyone who deals with kids and youth with a new skill of coding. Teachers spent time explaining a concept like food chain in the Natural Science classroom instead of giving learners a task to go and Code the food chain using a Scratch. Is it not fantastic to send the kids to Code about any subject or topic in discussion. Let’s try it and see if we can understand the Food Chain using Scratch language.”

Date: Thursday 26th October at 3:15pm

Duration: 15-30 minutes

Host: Fiona Beal representing SchoolNet

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