SchoolNet offering training and support to Vodacom ICT Resource Centres

Submitted by Megan Rademeyer of SchoolNet

Since 2010, SchoolNet SA has been offering master training and support to centre management teams at the nine provincial Vodacom ICT Resource Centres. SchoolNet has now been commissioned to continue to support the centre staff and the teachers at schools served by the centres. Staff at the centres have been trained to offer the Microsoft Partners in Learning ICT Skills for Teachers and HelpDesk courses. The Training of Trainers courses for the Intel Getting Started course are underway.

Mpumalanga Vodacom

By building capacity at the centres, more professional development opportunities can be offered to local teachers which will ensure that the equipment being donated by Vodacom to schools at schools in the districts around the schools will be used for sound educational purposes.

Eastern Cape Vodacom

Teachers in the schools served by the centres are being encouraged to sign up as SchoolNet SA members so that they can participate in free webinars to learn more strategies for integrating technology into their teaching.  Membership is free and open to any teacher who has an interest in ICT in education. To join please follow the following link: 

Vodacom has also set up the Digital Classroom portal as a central place for teachers to access teaching resources and education news. This portal is used by teachers who visit the Vodacom ICT Resource Centres, but any teacher is welcome to sign up (insert link:

Vodacom’s Digital Classroom portal
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