Submitted by Hlengiwe Mfeka
SchoolNet SA has been contracted by the
KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education to conduct training for 30 Education
Library Information and Technology Service (ELITS) Officials during the first
week of December 2017.
The traditional role of a librarian as a knowledge manager has evolved
to become that of being a curator of resources and a partner in the development
of online learning materials. The intention of this course is to equip
officials who run libraries with the skills to adapt to this changing role.
In order to conduct this training, SchoolNet
SA has developed a new Digital Library Course, which was designed to equip
librarians /ELITS officials with knowledge of digital issues pertaining to the
management of a school library. Across the week long course, officials will see
how digital tools and resources can enhance the services traditionally offered
at libraries and resource centers.
Participants will walk away from the course
with the skills and knowledge to develop a well-defined and well-informed
personalized action plan designed to ensure that the school library or
education centre that they are associated with fully utilizes the advantages of