SchoolNet Webinar on Thurs 19 February 3:15pm ‘Get to know ChronoZoom and Microsoft Timeline’ by #MIEExpert Linda Foulkes

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Webinar details

Meeting Name:  ‘Get to know Microsoft’s Chronozoom’


ChronoZoom: ChronoZoom is a free, open source, cross-platform, openly-authored timeline of the history of Everything. This webinar will take you on a ChronoZoom journey. All you need is a browser, iPad, Smartphone, or your Windows App store. It is designed to enable educators and students to explore time and tell stories about change over time. Used as a reference tool for history students and teachers, it will capture student’s attention and launch him or her into a series of quests for more information about a variety of topics.

Microsoft Timeline: If you prefer to create your own timeline to explain a certain section of work in your subject or task the students to create a timeline as a task or project, use the Office Timeline for PowerPoint. It allows you to create stunning professional timelines, Gantt charts and project slides in just a few clicks! During this part of the webinar you be introduced to timeline, learn how to connect it to PowerPoint and given a brief overview to get you started.

Presenter: Linda Foulkes, one of South Africa’s #MIEExpert15 teachers

WhenThursday 19th February 2015 at 3:15 PM (Note new time)

Duration: 15 – 30 minutes

Time Zone:  (GMT+02:00) Pretoria

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SchoolNet South Africa provides a short, free webinar every Thursday afternoon during the school term. Our new starting time is 3:15pm.

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