On Thursday afternoon 27 July at 3:15pm we held a free SchoolNet webinar entitled ‘Trending in I.T. – Reflections from ISTE’. Our speaker was Tracy Heath, a Microsoft MIEExpert Educator from Joburg. She is the ICT teacher for the Primary School at Brescia House School, a Microsoft Showcase School, in Johannesburg, Gauteng. She has been teaching ICT for more than 13 years. Tracy was one of three teachers in South Africa selected to attend the Microsoft E2 Global Exchange in Budapest in 2016.
Webinar description
Tracy recently returned from the ISTE conference which is the biggest Ed Tech conference in the world. This year it was held in San Antonio in TExas. Tracy says that she learnt a huge amount. One of her big take aways from ISTE is taking responsibility for personal learning and belonging to groups that can help one’s learning path. Tracy was eager to share some of what she learned in the upcoming webinar which she has titled, ” Trending in IT.” She said, “I was privileged to attend ISTE 2017 in San Antonio, Texas and was blown away by the positive and excited educators that I met there. There were over 1100 sessions to attend and so much to see and learn. My presentation will be on the general trends in education that I saw while at ISTE. I will cover coding, AR, VR, libraries and the maker movement as well as touching on professional development.”
The downloadable webinar presentation
Here is the downloadable presentation from the webinar available online in SlideShare from this link:
Trending in I.T – Reflections from ISTE2017 from Schoolnet SA
The webinar recording
The webinar recording can be listened to on the following link
http://meet78641452.adobeconnect.com/p692gfsms8s1/ |
SchoolNet presents a free webinar once a month.