SchoolNet webinar recording from Thursday Feb 20 at 3:30pm ‘Get to know Knowmia’ (Linda Foulkes)

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On Thursday afternoon (20 February 2014) at 3.30pm we held a SchoolNet webinar entitled ‘Get to know Knowmia’presented by Linda Foulkes of Elkanah High School in Cape Town. You’ll see that Linda has also provided a document summarising her research into tools that can be used across devices since her High School uses the BYOD approach.

The webinar description

Linda summarised her presentation like this: ‘”Increase student engagement with this amazing high quality tool, Knowmia, which allows one to create student interactive assignments and video lessons. Knowmia is available for free and can be used on all devices , or from within any web browser. Knowmia also has an iPad App, called Knowmia Teach, which is free and provides students or teachers with added functionality, including face recording within your lesson. An added benefit in Knowmia is the assessment tool as teachers are able to track lessons in real-time and exchange feedback with students. This tool is wonderful to use in and out of the classroom. This webinar will highlight why Knowmia is a tool not to be missed! In addition, I will share a comparative list of video lesson creating tools which I have evaluated to save you time when choosing the right tool.”

The Presentation
Linda’s presentation has been uploaded to the SchoolNet SlideShare account and t can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.

Getting2know Knowmia by Linda Foulkes from Schoolnet SA

The Webinar Recording

If you missed the webinar you can listen to the webinar recording.  Here is the link: (Unfortunately there were a few sound issues during the webinar)

Additional research done by LindaLinda teachers at Elkanah House High which is a school that uses the BYOD policy (Bring Your Own Device) At the webinar she kindly gave us a link to some research she conducted on different tools  for conducting flipped lessons across devices. Here is COMPARISON OF TOOLS ACROSS DEVICES TO FLIP LESSONS which can be downloaded.

SchoolNet’s webinars are presented every Thursday afternoon at 3.30pm  (GMT+2).

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